Monday, September 30, 2019

Grafitti: Art or Crime?

New life brings new art. â€Å"Graffiti is writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place â€Å", says Wikipedia. This kind of drawing exists since human started drawing. Examples of first graffiti drawing were found in the walls of Pompeii and Catacombs of Rome, and considered as an art form. However, modern graffers usually are being sent to jail for drawing on public walls. Graffiti is not an art form anymore, now it’s a crime. If you ask people around you if they think graffiti is an art or vandalism, you can find out that there is no equal division between for and against answers.Moreover, there are people who will consider graffiti as an art and as a crime in the same time, depending on where those were drawn. Graffiti itself is an art form, though. It is the fact that is drawn in the properties of others without permissions that makes graffiti considered as vandalism. There are some evidences that prove that graffiti is an art form, such us: its own unique features, its division into different forms of art- drawing and writing, and its own particular meaning. What makes graffiti an art form? Each kind of art: music, paintings, literature, uses its own certain techniques that make each one of them special.Graffiti as one of the street art forms uses special materials for drawing, it has certain techniques how to draw and the overall outcome of graffiti drawing differs from any other form of art. Graffers use spray paints, markers and other tools for their drawing. Moreover, it needs a lot of preparation, certain drawing skills, creativity to make a really good graffiti drawing. Some of these drawings are considered as masterpieces. Certain famous graffers even have their own street exhibitions, which is becoming really popular nowadays.There are also graffers who earn money from drawing legally on the walls of buildings or tagging some commercial buildings, in other words writing on the m. Graffiti can be considered as writing, too. â€Å"The graffito is an odd kind of writing at once secretive and public, immediate and obscure† (2004, p. 277). Usually the purpose of such graffiti writings is to bring certain kind of information to public or just self-advertisement. They can use this writing in political ways as well. As the author of the article published in â€Å"The Economist† magazine mentions â€Å"The point of political propaganda is, after ll, not to offend and annoy people, but influence them† (2004, p. 279). They try to influence people through graffiti writing because the writers (or graffers) are the same usual people as those who will read them, so the influence in that way is more probable, than if a politician would say something to a public. Other reason for it is that graffer use his own life experience to make writing on a wall that can catch attention of the audience, and his experience is more probable to be the same as the a udiences than the life quality of a politician. Like any other kind of art, graffiti exists for expressing artist’s feelings and emotions.It is an easy way to live a mark in this world. It is a little chance to be remembered, sometimes illegally, however. Graffiti has a soul. This usually is a soul of anger and passion. When a graffer draws on the wall, he tries to express all he has in a very emotional way. Even the colors that are used in graffiti art gives us a signal, makes us to pay attention to it by brightness and colorfulness. Graffiti has a soul of youth and hope, too. As technology, lifestyles, ideals and aspirations of society are developing and changing, art is changing also.Graffiti came to life to express the soul of new life, passion and youth. Its anger and sort of vandalism can be easily connected to the life that people have nowadays. Life when you have to fight for your place in the earth. In that case graffiti makes a lot of sense; it explains the truth in its own unique way. Graffiti is a very important component of modern art, which embodies not only the style of teenagers in America, but also is a distinct genre which is closely intertwined with other fields of arts such as music, dance, design, and many others.Moreover, it is kind of art that can be expressed and understood in different ways: you can see writing on the wall saying â€Å"Hey, I was here! †, or other stuff seems to be messages, or an installation art which is there just because someone felt like drawing his feelings. Graffiti is no doubt the style of the new generation, a new kind of art. References 2004. The Writing on the Wall. The Economist 18th December. pp. 68-72. In A. Shine (Ed. ) Majlis of the ‘others’ (2nd ed. ) London, UK: Pearson Education.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Introduction to Business Finance Essay

Used when a business wishes to buy a good. It lets the business supplier know the requirements of the company making the order. The form will include both purchaser and supplier contact details, along with an order and reference number. It will also show the quantity required, descriptions and prices. This will be the beginning of the process. It will be processed by the business, who will then get the order ready for dispatch. The use of these is an ongoing process. Delivery Note The delivery note is used by the business who is providing the goods. It gives the purchaser a list of all the products they will be receiving. It details any goods that are unavailable. It will also state the relevant order and reference number. This follows the purchase order in the sequence of events. Again, this is a document that is used in an ongoing process. Goods Received Note This document is sent from the buyer to the seller. It gives both businesses a record of what goods have actually been received. The businesses can use it as a check with the purchase order, delivery note and with their stock levels. This document will follow the delivery of goods. The buyer will check through all received and then produce the document. Invoice An invoice is a document that shows a business what payment is required. It gives all the details of the goods ordered and delivered, including the quantity and the price. It will also show any discounts, and if any VAT is being charged. This again will have the relevant reference and order numbers. Invoices are sent to businesses once delivery has occurred. Usually, invoices are sent on a regular basis. Credit / Debit Notes This will reduce the amount the buyer owes the seller. If payment has not been received, the buyer pays less, or the note can be used with future purchases. Reasons for this includes: * The business has been overcharged on the invoice. * There has been an error on the invoice e. g. the prices. * When damaged, faulty or unsuitable goods are returned. This will follow the invoice. The document will be sent after either the buyer or seller has highlighted the error or fault. Statements of Account sent by the Business The seller will send this document on a regular basis. It highlights to the buyer the current situation of their account. It will show what payments have been received and how much the business still owes. It also records all the invoices and credit notes the buyer has been sent. This is an ongoing process. It will occur on a regular basis – often monthly. It does not specifically follow the issue of any other document. Remittance Slips Advice The buyer sends this document to the seller advising that payment is being made to them. If the buyer is paying an invoice by cheque, they will usually include this with the remittance advice. These will be used on a regular basis. They will always follow the invoice. Cheques Businesses that have accounts with banks or building societies will be issued with a cheque system. A cheque is a method of payment for the buyer and seller to use. Usually, the buyer will write a cheque to make payments according to an Invoice or the amount on the Statement of Account. It is a safe method of payment, as it can be sent through the post and only the payee can use the cheque. These will be used on a regular basis. They will always follow the purchase and the business receiving its goods. It may be sent after the Invoice has been received or after the Statement of Account.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Beowulf as an Epic Hero in Burton Raffel’s Translation of the Story Beowulf

He continuously portrays features that no ordinary human being could acquire including eternal fame, extraordinary skill, and heroic courage. It is interesting to read about all his extraordinary hero qualities. In Anglo-Saxon culture, immortality was believed to be attainable through the gain of fame and glory by the act of doing noble deeds (HubPages). It was also possible by spreading one’s personal name throughout the land. In this epic, the concept is played quite well by the deeds Beowulf portrays as an epic hero; he not only saves the day, but spreads his name through the land. He introduces himself to Hrothgar, King of Danes, speaking of his bouts with five giants leading to his single handed removal of the giant race from the earth. He also leads to speak of fighting and defeating many sea monsters underwater at the deep depths of the darkest oceans (Beowulf 31). These deeds show the characteristics in Beowulf that many epic heroes seem to possess like defeating demonic, and god-like foes saving the day and in turn adding to the notoriety of the heroes name, aiding to their belief of immortality. Beowulf further pursues fame and glory by aiding Hrothgar in defeating the demon Grendel which has ran amuck in the kingdoms mead hall Herot and killed soldiers of the crown. By ripping Grendel’s arm, Beowulf ensures his fame as keeping it as a trophy and mounting it over Herot for all to observe. But an epic hero like Beowulf never is sated with fame so throughout his lifetime he continues to defy odds and accomplish heroic deeds spreading his name and giving him his sense of immortality. In order for an epic hero to be an epic hero he cannot just achieve high notoriety, he must have the skill to defeat the demons bent to kill all mankind. But not just a regular warriors skill can defeat a demon conceived by Satan and evil, the heroes skill must match that of the gods. A good depiction of Beowulf’s extraordinary skill is the moment when he first battles Grendel choosing to fight bare-handed in order to give the opponent a â€Å"fair fight† (Beowulf 31). This feat shows that Beowulf believes he has the skill to defeat the monster Grendel and shows a sort of chivalry among him by honoring his opponent’s condition. Beowulf also has skill in strength and speed, catching and nearly breaking back Grendel’s clawed fingers on his hand as he slashed to swoop and eat a light sleeping Beowulf; later leading to Beowulf ripping of Grendel’s arm (Beowulf 33). Afterwards revenge is sought by Beowulf after Grendel’s mother abducts and eats the kings trusted noble and friend Aeschere leading him to use his incredible skill to swim for hours underwater to her lair at the bottom depths of a dark lake resulting in her death by Beowulf adding to his fame. Beowulf as an epic hero needed courage in order to make skill useful and be able to gain more fame. Many courageous acts are done by Beowulf firstly with the simple act of battling a huge demon like Grendel without the use of neither weapons, nor armor for protection. Going without weapons shows the courage in Beowulf and the lack of fear even after removing the little help given to provide a fair fight for Grendel. Afterwards, Beowulf continues to display great courage by gaining revenge from Grendel’s mom and battling her under water while sea creatures watched (Beowulf 39). These examples of courage show that Beowulf is willing to battle and defeat any foe, no matter the cost in order to save the day. Epic heroes through time have had the same characteristics. These include the ability to bring exceptional skill to battle against many demons and evil doers. These traits combined with the courage of a man which fears nothing aides Beowulf in being able to defeat many of his foes throughout the tale. To Beowulf, hearing of Grendel terrorizing the mead hall is more of a blessing than a problem for it allowed Beowulf the opportunity to slay a creature and build his name through the land of Danes. Ending in epic victory, these qualities are expressed throughout the stories and even though made king, Beowulf never ceases to reach his goal of the world’s greatest fighter having unmatched fame through the land, skill of many men, and the courage greater than that of any man or creature ever to be found.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Labor Laws and Unions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Labor Laws and Unions - Essay Example Several obstacles that this organization faces at times hamper its operations. These organizations link with the environment in various ways. Although this organization advocates on members behalf, workers interests occasionally comprise of an environment module (Harcourt & Wood 2). The critical environmental issue affecting the organization is ecological security. There is exposure of workers to multiple toxic chemicals while performing the jobs. The coal miners, for example, face a risk of acquiring lung disease due to inhaling coal dust. Therefore, the organization advocates for stern safety policies primarily for protecting employees from impairment caused by environmental hazards. In order to fix these problems faced by workers, the seniors should withdraw some of the local laws instituted at the work place in order to protect workers rights. There are several measures to minimize litigation in work places. Continuous communication with the employees is a prerequisite (Harcourt & Wood 8). The employees need awareness of daily activities of the organization. This helps to minimize misleading information. They need to be aware of termination dates in order to prevent shocking news pertaining to the loss of jobs. Moreover, employees’ relations need adequate handling, preferably according to their favor. Giving employees a time off is beneficial, as the organization eventually ends up with few aggressive employees, thus minimizing litigation. There are wide ranges of benefits that accrue to an organization after joining a union. Some of the benefits enjoyed by the members include improved wages, advanced health care, and a safe working environment (Harcourt & Wood 9). However, the main reason for joining unions is due to job security. A union contract comprises of extra rights enjoyed only by members. There is protection

Thursday, September 26, 2019

CPU scheduling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

CPU scheduling - Essay Example Sometimes people speak of pseudoparallelism in this context, to contrast it with the true hardware parallelism of multiprocessor systems (which have two or more CPUs sharing the same physical memory). Keeping track of multiple, parallel activities is hard for people to do. Therefore, operating system designers over the years have evolved a conceptual model (sequential processes) that makes parallelism easier to deal with. (Tanenbaum, 2006). The difference between a process and a program is subtle, but crucial. An analogy may help make this point clearer. Consider a culinary-minded computer scientist who is baking a birthday cake for his daughter. He has a birthday cake recipe and a kitchen well stocked with the necessary input: flour, eggs, sugar, extract of vanilla, and so on. In this analogy, the recipe is the program (i.e., an algorithm expressed in some suitable notation), the computer scientist is the processor (CPU), and the cake ingredients are the input data. The process is the activity consisting of our baker reading the recipe, fetching the ingredients, and baking the cake. The key idea here is that a process is an activity of some kind. It has a program, input, output, and a state. A single processor may be shared among several processes, with some scheduling algorithm being used to determine when to stop work on one process and service a different one. Operating systems n Creation of a process: Operating systems need some way to make sure all the necessary processes exist. In very simple systems, or in systems designed for running only a single application (e.g., controlling a device in real time), it may be possible to have all the processes that will ever be needed be present when the system comes up. In general-purpose systems, however, some way is needed to create and terminate processes as needed during operation. There are four events that cause process to be created: 1. System initialization 2. Execution of a process creation system call by an existing process. 3. A user request to create a new process. 4. Initiation of a batch job. When an operating system is booted, often several processes are created. Some of these are foreground processes, that is, processes that interact with (human) users and perform work for them. Others are background processes, which are not associated with particular users, but instead have some specific function. For example, a background process may be designed to accept incoming requests for web pages hosted on that machine, waking up when a request arrives to service the request. Processes that stay in the background to handle some activity such as web pages, printing, and so on are called daemons. Large systems commonly have dozens of them. During the running of multiple processes, the processes compete among themselves. When more than one process is in the ready state and there is only one CPU available, the operating system must decide which process to run first. The part of the operating system that makes the choice is called the scheduler; the algorithm it uses is called the scheduling algorithm. Introduction to scheduling: Back in the old days of batch systems with input in the form of card images on a magnetic tape, the scheduling algorithm was simple: just run the next job on the tape. With timesharing systems, the scheduling algorithm became more complex, because there were generally multiple users waiting for service. There

Distinguish Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Distinguish - Essay Example There are various other ways in which performance appraisals and performance management is differentiated from each other. Performance appraisals are conducted once, every particular year and these are conducted on the request of HR department (Koontz 243). On the contrary, performance management is conducted on very frequent basis and is conducted on the request of supervisors and subordinates. Performance appraisal process for an organization is created by the HR department and then it is forwarded to the managers so managers can utilize them while evaluating performance. In case of creating performance management process, both the employees and their managers are involved. Feedback derived through performance appraisals take place only once a year when performance is appraised, while feedback from performance management takes places each time the managers and the supervisors conduct performance management and they hold discussions about performance targets and achievement of those targets. When performance appraisal is conducted for an employee, the appraiser has a duty to reach an agreement with the appraised employee about how well he has performed and in what areas he needs training and development. In case of performance management, the appraiser has to understand the criteria of performance and has to explain employees about how their behaviors are matched to the criteria. In performance management the supervisors and subordinates identify expectations and how these expectations will help achieve organizational goals and objectives. In performance appraisal, the appraisee has to either accept or reject the performance appraisal conducted by managers and have to accept the sectors where improvement is required. In performance management, the appraisee has to understand the fit between expectations and organizations goals and objectives. A comparison of performance

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reflect on a Recent Change Management Project or Strategy Essay

Reflect on a Recent Change Management Project or Strategy - Essay Example Because of MediSys’ partnership with the local hospital, the health care organization requires specialized technology systems not commonly found in most independent care facilities. The change management strategy was to implement an EMR system, the electronic medical record, designed to change the methodology behind how MediSys communicates with the hospital, its patients, and external service providers. The goal was to implement a paperless health clinic and also improve the quality of patient-related information related to database storage and as it relates to patient referrals. This paper describes the change management project in detail, the systems and its function within the facility, and the barriers that were incurred during its launch and implementation phases. What is EMR? The electronic medical record provides a paperless environment in which clinical information is shared via electronic communications and transactions within an entire health network. It allows for information exchanges between hospitals, employers, patients, network payers, and even ambulatory clinics (Garets & Davis, 2006). Patient data is recorded in a database that can be easily accessed via various point-of-contact electronic service devices. Another reason for implementing EMR was to ensure less liability for the health care clinic related to errors. The Institute of Medicine offers that there are nearly a million injuries caused to patients and approximately 100,000 deaths each year due to dosing errors or adverse drug effects caused by health care worker neglect (Hook, Pearlstein, Samarth & Cusack, 2008). These errors cost the entire health care system over $2 billion yearly related to dispensing errors, transcribing errors, and medicinal administration. The change management goal was to remove such liabilities from MediSys and improve its reputation as a quality leader. The EMR provides nurses with pre-printed batch forms each month that provide resident information, their health identification number, special allergy concerns, dietary needs, and all medications previously and currently ordered for the patient (, 2009). In addition, to improve service time and efficiency/productivity, a digital pen is included that allow the nursing and physician staff to carry the device that contains an infrared camera and digital processer so that they can read digitized words. At the end of the shift rounds, nurses and physicians simply dock the pen into a processing station and the information from the digital pen is transmitted to the appropriate external and internal units related to health care provision. When a physician or nursing signature is required related to patient care, the electronic pen immediately records this data and can be accessed within seconds. The implementation of the EMR system was to radically change the timeframe between when a signed document is retrieved, thus improving productivity, and also to avoid the lag times i n attempting to communicate when nurses or physicians are not readily available in the organization. The auto-generated reports can then be accessed and printed from a variety of stations set up at the organization and the system immediately identifies and prints a batch report when any document has not been properly signed, thus removing even more errors in processing paperwork. The Change Effort

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Influences of mood on problem solving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8250 words

Influences of mood on problem solving - Essay Example Conflicting results reported in these tests suggest the underlying cause may be contained in the methods of testing, specifically regarding the tasks involved in the testing process and the types of responses requested from test participants. Rather than being able to determine whether positive or negative mood is empirically better for problem-solving, this paper proposes to determine whether specific mood sets are most beneficial for the problem-solving process given more detailed parameters, such as type of response required and type of test or task performed. By looking at some of the available research in existence in the field, this paper will work to identify situations in which positive mood may be more beneficial, when negative mood may be more beneficial, or when different approaches to mood altogether will achieve the most productive results. Following several studies in which it was suggested that positive mood was essential to most effective problem-solving, Anja Goritz and Klaus Moser conducted a study via the internet to determine whether this premise was essentially true (Goritz, Moser, 2003). Specifically, the researchers were seeking to prove whether positive mood enhances the ability to categorize with flexibility at broad and narrow levels. To test this hypothesis, they used the World Wide Web as their laboratory and the Velten procedure for mood inducement for both the positive and the negative groups. The neutral group did not receive any kind of mood inducement.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Summer Intern Report. Nizing Electronic Company Essay

Summer Intern Report. Nizing Electronic Company - Essay Example Each of the showrooms runs under a manager or assistant manager. Usually, there are two employees in the showroom working under the manager. During peak business hours, there are up to five people in sales. The usual working hours of the employees are 8 hours and the employees enjoy one day off. The company hires employees throughout the year, and unskilled, fresh-graduates too get a job here. However, employees except the management staff get unsatisfied with the salary and they often leave the work in one or two years. Admittedly the company does not have an admirable hiring and training program. The company does not monitor people for good personal traits and skills while selecting, nor does it offer a good training and orientation program. The one who is absorbed is on full-fledged duty from the day-first and training often takes place while on duty. Another way of making the employees aware about the company policies is the infrequent CSR classes that often turn ineffective. The company has its advertisement in all media raging from television, major newspapers, and all important magazines. The advertisement is handled by an advertising agency. In addition, the company offers special discounts on festive seasons. Another feature is the free service guarantee the company gives on all purchases of electronic and computer appliances. As the company has its most of the clientele in urban areas, it does not cause a heavy burden on the company coffers. The company has its specific pricing strategy that takes into consideration its local competitors and global retailers such as Amazon. As it aims at urban young clientele that looks for quality, the company does not price its products too low. Its products are comparatively high-priced, but the company makes sure that quality of the products and the services provided is of excellent standard. Though there is rising threat from global competitors like Amazon, the company manages to make an annual growth of 8%. Pa rt –II A look into the company performance proves that there are three things that are in need of improvement taking the future of Nizing Electronic Company into consideration. They are; i) employee hiring, training, remuneration and retention ii) use of technology for sales and services, including a website iii) use of electronic tools to observe consumer trends The first and foremost issue associated with the company is its high employee turnover. The reasons behind this increasing turnover are poor hiring practices, poor training facilities, and poor remuneration. Presently, the company hires almost everyone who applies without a monitoring of personal traits, willingness to work and readiness to abide by the company rules. So, the company witnesses considerable amount of employee turnover. By improving its hiring process, that can be done by engaging a professional recruitment agency, the company can ensure that only the ones who possess specific skills and motivation are entering the jobs. The second thing the company has to take care of is its training policies. As is seen, the company gives very few CSR classes, which miserably fail to keep the employees motivated though they help in keeping the employees informed of the company policies. So, it is necessary for the company to adopt a new training strategy and motivating policy. The third thing is remuneration. Undoubtedly, ‘poor salary results in poor employee retention, and thus, in more recruiting expenses and training

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Filipinos Forgiving Nature Essay Example for Free

Filipinos Forgiving Nature Essay Why many Filipino people are forgiving? Giving offenders a â€Å"second chance† rather than punishing them is inherently Filipino. Let’s take for example the apology offered by the Magdalo mutineers which comes as no surprise in light of the Filipinos forgiving nature. Despite the very good laws we have here in the Philippines, we don’t think settlement of it will still be possible. We rarely condemn people, we just require them to change their ways. Ms. Arroyo’s granting of amnesty towards the Magdalo mutineers is just one of the issues that shows Filipinos tend to forgvive. We are not very legalistic except on impersonal matters, such as cases involving money or disputes between big corporations that don’t have a human face. For example, everyone agrees that we should go after tax evasion. Under the Filipino concept of justice, what is prescribed by law is not necessarily just. We tend to forgive easily when we find something valid in the reasons behind the offense. That’s why we have the phrase ‘nadadaan sa magandang usapan’. The way we are raised by our families could affect the way we understand and look into the contexts of one’s behavior. For example, rather than be rigid over rights or claims, step siblings generally do not regard with spite but look after each other’s welfare even when one is illegitimate. And of course, the prodigal child is always given a second chance. No wonder why there are many unresolved cases in the Philippines. Some were given pardon by the government like the case of the former president Ejercito Estrada. Could it be the government’s way to come clean in the eyes of other countries in promoting the tourism industry? To front them that it’s easy to settle agreements here would attract many investors in the country. We‘ll, if that’s the case, many might really take advantage on the situation. And this would just prove that we don’t have rigid implementation of the very good laws here in the Philippines. This is also the reason why some government officials seems relaxed and other foreign countries doesn’t give much importance on Filipinos welfare in their land and they just take it easy when it comes to Filipinos. Maybe because they know the fact that we don‘t experience justice even in our own land, and we are used to it. Pity to those who really experience that kind of treatment. Upon hearing this, I bursted to the cab driver saying ito hirap sating mga Pinoy e, kapag tayo nahuli sa ibang bansa ng drug trafficking death penalty, kapag sila nahuli natin wala pang isang linggo nakalaya na. Theres a big problem with our government or our Filipino blood we are too soft, too forgiving. This is one of the reasons why most of us have no pride and dignity when we are in another soil. I really want to thank Manny Pacquiao for giving the Filipinos some pride. How should other country value our laws when we Filipinos don’t put much attention to these and some just don‘t take it seriously? When we are in their country we are treated like rats but when they are in our country they are treated like kings. I dont know what‘s wrong. If a Filipino guy will enter a building in his own country the security guard will look for an ID with intense body search but if they will see that the guest is a foreigner, Filipinos will happily greet them without checking their bags not even thinking that they could be the terrorist that will kill them. I have nothing against to any foreigners but I got beef with my own blood. If this will continue, probably we will become slaves in our own country.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The erik erikson theory of development

The erik erikson theory of development Erik Erikson theory of development stipulates the physical, psychological as well as emotional milestones and how they relate to specific developmental tasks in each stage. The personality traits exhibited by individuals are inborn temperament traits while others are learned by a person as he or she develops in regard to the challenges as well as support received in the course of development. Erik Erikson is credited due to the exemplification of the concept of personality development since he believed that the existence of the ego has its roots from birth and behavior exhibited by an individual is not completely defensive (Crandell et al, 2009). Studies advanced by Erik Erikson indicated that the development course of an individual is determined by a three fold interaction between the genetic biological programming of the body, psychological influences as well as ethos or cultural influences. Erik Eriksons developmental theory stipulates eight stages extending from infancy to adulth ood in which different developmental milestones are explained. The first stage from birth to about 18months is referred to as infancy where the Ego development outcome is known as Trust vs. Mistrust. This is the oral sensory stage where major emphasis is laid on the childs mother ability to provide loving care to the child. Through visual contact as well as touch a child is able to trust that life is satisfactory and considerable confidence in the future is achieved. On the contrary, when a child fails to achieve trust and consistent frustrations befall on a person, a deep seated feeling of worthlessness may develop as well as a pronounced mistrust of life in general. Basically during my infancy I was accorded the right treatment which gave me the belief that the world we live in is trustworthy and that every individual has an outmost right to live here. The early childhood stage is from 18 months and extends up to 3 years. The Ego development outcome during this stage refers to Autonomy vs. Shame. The basic strengths which a child ought to develop is will, courage as well as self control. Individuals at this stage learn to master important life skills for themselves. Children not only learn to feed, walk, talk, toilet train but they develop fine motor skills. As the developing child continues to gain control over their bodies through acquisition of new skills and differentiating the right from the wrong, feelings of autonomy and high self esteem are realized. During this period, children largely refuse to undertake the tasks stipulated by the most significant and/ constant caregiver that vital skills of will are developed. However, during this period children tend to be massively vulnerable. This is because children who are unable to learn important skills as well as fail in toilet training experience massive shame and doubt thereby resulting to low self esteem. Relationships with ones parents are very significant. During the Play age from 3 to 5 years a desire to imitate adults is established as well as an inborn want to take the initiative in coming up with ideas during plays. Playing is paramount during this stage as children are involved in playing out roles as well as experimenting in the ideas they believe in. The ego development outcome at this stage is referred to as Initiative vs. Guilt while the basic strength exhibited is purpose. According to Erikson, the child largely struggles with the oedipal struggle as he tries to establish his gender through use of social role identification formalities (Berger, 2004). A child frustrated in regard to natural desires and goals experiences guilty feelings. The school age period between 6 to 12 years is referred to as latency and the ego development outcome attached to it is industry vs. inferiority. The childs ability to learn and acquire new skills as well as knowledge and develop massive accomplishments helps a child develop a sense of industr y. This is a largely social stage during the development where basic strengths of method and competence are made manifest. In case a child experiences inadequacy and inferiority in the midst of his peers competences as well as self esteem problems results. The most important relationships during this period are those found in the school as well as the neighborhood. Gender influences are exhibited during development especially in communication styles, aggression as well as social relationships. Many sociolinguists agree that females largely prefer private talks which are geared towards forming relationships. Since I grew up in an environment with males as all my siblings are boys, my communication was primarily based on report talk with such verbal performances as lecturing information, joking as well as story telling. The kind of plays undertaken by children is based of gender and cultural influences. For instance the boys plays have a leader who directs the course of action and the losers as well as winners are identified. Girls on the other hand girls play in pairs and turn taking is more evident. According to Erikson, the above developmental stages largely depend on what is done to an individual. From adolescence stage which begins from 12 to 18 years, Identity vs. Role confusion is the developmental outcome which seeks to be achieved. Development largely depends on what an individual does. Adolescence is an indeed complex stage in which an individual is neither a child nor adult therefore individuals struggle to forge their identity in social interactions as well as establishing moral issues which to adhere to. Erikson states that individuals are expected to discover who they are. If this is not done adequately, the concerned individuals experience role confusion as well as upheaval. A period known as moratorium is witnessed by individuals who opt to withdraw from responsibilities. Adolescents identify most with their peers and due to lack of experience individuals tend to think in terms of ideals rather than reality hence the reason why massive conflicts are always witnessed during this stage (Berger, 2004). In young adulthood, between 18 and 35 years, the basic strengths t o be achieved are affiliation and love. According to Erikson, during the initial stages of becoming adults, individuals largely seek for love and companionship. Through marriage and establishing friendships, individuals seek to acquire mutually satisfying relationships. Individuals who negotiate through this stage successfully get to experience intimacy at the deepest level possible while those that fail isolation and distance from other people result. In my case, I married in the year 1999 and experienced deep intimacy. The significant relationships are those established with friends as well as marital partners. Middle Adulthood sets in from age 35 to 55 or 65. The ego development outcome involves generativity vs. stagnation. According to Erikson, during this stage individuals are largely occupied with their careers as well as creative works while at the same time involved in family obligations. Individuals expect to be in charge of their affairs. The basic strengths to demonstrate are protection and care. This is achieved through undertaking the significant task of perpetuating culture as well as transmitting values to the lives of the children. The parents should tame their children through providing a stable environment in which the children grow up in. According to Erikson, Generativity is achieved when an individual demonstrates care of other people especially children thereby resulting to production of something which significantly contributes to the betterment of the society (Kail Cavanaugh, 2008). This is the stage where ones children gradually leave home. This move largely results to major life changes thus resulting to mid life crises. Self absorption and stagnation is experienced by people who fail to go through this stage successfully. During this period, relationships which matter the most are those existing in the workplace, family and the community at large. Late adulthood which is witnessed from 55 or 65 years up-to death requires comprehensible demonstration of the vital strength in wisdom. According to Erikson, the ego development outcome at this stage is integrity vs. despair. Since individuals have spent substantial amount of time preparing their lives during middle adulthood, late adulthood presents an opportunity to recover from the challenges of life. As older adults, individuals have an opportunity to look at their lives with happiness as well as contentment. Recognition of the contribution made by an individual in life is what brings satisfaction and Erikson refers to it as integrity (Berk, 2004). Contrary, there are individuals who get to this stage and exhibit feelings of despair owing to the misgivings and perceived failures they have witnessed in their lives. Kohlbergs theory of moral development compares significantly with Eriksons developmental theory since the moral milestones achieved by an individual throughout his lif etime are stipulated. According to Kohlberg, moral reasoning is what determines the ethical behavior to be achieved by an individual. While expanding on Piagets work, Kohlberg established that moral development is primarily concerned with the need to demonstrate justice and continues throughout the life of an individual (Kail Cavanaugh, 2008). Through analyzing moral reasoning displayed by individuals in such cases as Heinz dilemma, Kohlberg managed to classify the actions and morals of various individuals into six distinct stages. The levels advanced by Kohlberg are classified into Pre-conventional, conventional as well as post-conventional with each level having two other stages. The pre-conventional stage is commonly exhibited by children although there are instances when even adults get to associate with this stage. The morality of an action is determined by the direct consequences exhibited by a particular action. Since a child has not fully conceptualized the societal conventions in regard to what actions are right or wrong, he or she focus on the kind or rewards or punishments a particular action is likely to elicit. The obedience and punishment orientation makes an individual to focus on the punishment advanced thus if the punishment is bad, the action is equally bad. This view is largely egocentric. Stage two in pre- conventional level is driven by self interest concerns whereby an individual seeks to determine the benefit he or she will derive from an activity. Thus, concern for other peoples interests is not as a result of respect or loyalty. The conventional level is typically demonstrated by adolescents as well as adults. People who reason in conventional ways base the morality of action in regard to the societal views as well as expectations. Conventional morality thus requires an individual to make a deliberate move to accept the societal conventional in regard to what is right or wrong. Thus an individual follows the stipulated societal laws and guidelines without c onsidering the consequences of the actions. In stage three referred to as interpersonal accord and conformity motivated an individual seeks to fill social roles available in his society thus the emphasis lies in trying to live up to the expectations of the society. Thus stage three reasoning constitutes judging the morality of an action by considering the kind of effect that an individuals relationship will demonstrate. When respect and gratitude sets in, people feel the need to fit in social roles since they want to be liked by other members of society owing to the good behaviors they demonstrate. According to Kohlberg, stage two of conventional morality is authority and social order obedience motivated. The importance of obeying the stipulated laws, social conventions as well as dictums lies in the massive need to maintain a society which is functioning well (Lerner Weiner, 2003). Thus society needs transcend individual approval when making any moral reasoning. It is a central id eal which is present in the society which makes people want to follow the stipulated rules and regulations. Majority of the active members of the society remain in this stage of moral judgment. The post conventional level of moral development is known as the principled level. According to Kohlberg, it is the realization that individuals are separate from society which makes individual perspectives to be considered before making decisions. People in this stage make decisions owing to the abstract personal principles they uphold. In stage one of post conventional level known as social contract driven, the world is considered to hold varied rights, values as well as opinions which must be respected by all people in the society. In this stage, laws are not considered as rigid dictums rather rules are considered as social contracts which need be changed in order to address the good on all people in the society. Various decisions as well as inevitable compromises come into interplay when such actions are being undertaken. The final stage is universal ethical principle motivated and it encompasses abstract reasoning during moral reasoning processes. The validity of laws is based o nly on their ability to uphold justice thus laws without an obligation to justice need be fully disobeyed. Since decisions are not arrived at hypothetically, a completely absolute method need be developed to come up with such conclusions. Kohlberg emphasizes the fact that the individuals, who have reached this level of moral development, put themselves in another persons situation if at all they believed the truth of another persons action (Lerner Weiner, 2003). The consensus which results from such an action is the decision undertaken. Thus individuals act not because an action is legal, instrumental, or expected but rather because the action is right. It is quite difficult to determine individuals who operate in this level. The cultural background of an individual plays a major role in determining the moral milestones achieved during the development process. Since culture encompasses the total communitys social, economic as well as political structures which shape the total outlook of an individual. It is the culture which determines the sensibilities, attitudes, skills as well as dispositions which in turn make an individual morally mature in all spheres of life. In case a cultural setting lays much emphasis on punishment, individuals will primarily remain in the pre- conventional stage of moral authority where actions are determined by the kind of punishment which will be accorded. Differences in sex exhibit different moral development of women and men. Women typically remain at stage three of moral development since they primarily encompass interpersonal feelings during decision making process. Men are largely stationed at stage five and six since they reflect mostly on abstract perceptions of societ al organization during decision making process (Lerner Weiner, 2003). This can be further explained by the fact that women do not undertake their responsibilities in regard to the conventionally accepted norms but rather on their own individual insights in regard to care and responsibilities of their children.